Trying to reach -5 dB on exported .wav



So, first off, let me tell you that I am a very basic user when it comes to Sonarworks SoundID Reference and I don't even know if I have been using it right all this time.

Basically, a label wants my tracks to release an EP and they want to receive the track with - 5 dB of headroom.

So, I am using Ableton 11 on Windows 11.

I have SoundID reference Plug In as the last plug in on the master.

The plug in has been enabled on the master and within the plug in, calibration has been enabled.

I am using headphones and have chosen the correct headphone profile.

What I usually do when I mix is that I enable the plug in and calibration within Ableton and then start mixing.

I also turn off Safe Headroom in the plug in because with it on, even when I turn up the volume to max in WIndows, the volume is too low and I can't hear what I am mixing at a decent level.

I adjust the levels on my tracks so that I am peaking on the master at around -5 dB.

However, when I turn off the plug in on the master and play the track again, the levels jump and now I am peaking at around +1 dB and I am in the red.

So, my question is, when I export the track with the plug in off, am I exporting the -5 dB version or am I exporting the +1 dB version?

What am I doing wrong?

These guys are waiting for my files and I hope to have this resolved before the weekend is out. I don't want to look like a total amateur :)

1 comment


Hi John,

Thanks for your post! 

We would recommend inserting a metering analyzer plugin before the SoundID Reference plugin, so you can monitor your levels without SoundID Reference, but still enjoy the benefits of the flat sound or other features of the plugin. The SoundID Reference plugin should be placed as the very last plugin instance. This way when disabling the SoundID Reference plugin before bouncing, you can be sure that your levels are fine. The plugin would not affect the final export once it is bypassed. 

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